Committee | Hadden Hill Golf Club
Hadden Hill Golf Club


Mens Committee
CaptainJohn Parsons
Vice CaptainDon Law
TreasurerIan Ormrod
Competition SecretaryMartin Whitaker
Director RepStuart Dobbs
Handicap SecretaryGordon Bates
Friendly Match OrganiserElliott Moyser
Central 7s Team CaptainMark Roberts & Martin Whitaker
HOGS RepTony Davey
Committee MemberMike Mullins
Ladies Committee
Ladies CaptainCommittee
Vice CaptainMaxine Berry
TreasurerLesley Eldridge
Competitions SecretarySarah Clarke
SecretarySue Macdonald
Handicap SecretarySarah Clarke
CommitteeTrish Beardmore
CommitteeAlison Brown
Seniors CaptainMike Mullins
Seniors SecretaryDavid Faragher

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